Words and Stuff
It’s lonely at the top
This week I was talking to a female leader in business, she’s got a seat at THE table.
She’s driven, engaged and, frankly, shit hot. She’s in charge of a global team. And this week she said to me that she’s lonely.
When did it get so serious?
Many moons ago, in a corporate world I thankfully no longer inhabit, someone told me I'd probably get further in my career if I was a bit more serious. They suggested I should listen to Radio 4 (I told them I'd never be grown-up enough for that). Their words quieted me, made me think that if I wasn't serious, I wouldn't be taken seriously.
It’s time to channel your inner Fiona Bruce
I ask my clients questions and their responses, what they unearth and how they can then unlock their ability, progress and performance is more powerful than Mistress Polly McPowerful (and she is really blinking powerful).
Big Change is never achieved alone
Coaching is product development where you are the product. Coaching provides individuals with the best investment they will ever make because it focuses focusses on the systems and processes that allows the existing product to move seamlessly through quality control and onto the best buy lists.
Breaking news: maximum effort does not equal maximum results.
Imagine if you told your team not to give their all, not to do their best.
Imagine if you just told them to give you 85%.
What’s your human capital?
Human capital may not help you get that next mortgage or pay for your retirement on that yacht but that doesn’t mean it’s not an intrinsic component to your net worth. In fact, science shows that your human capital is a critical component of your success today and in the future. And a crucial success factor in the business growth (no great shock there).
Be More Mary in 2023
A little story about a fabulous woman.
And then there was Mary. Bloody marvellous 92 year old Mary.
I bloody loved Mary. She shared with me her life story whilst interspersing the story often with:
"I'm 92 and I haven't had a bad old life; I've had some fun; I've made the best of it".
Mary grew up in the highlands of Scotland on a farm and her Scottish accent still lilts through every syllable today.
Do you know you can’t hum and hold your nose?
Do you know you can’t hum while holding your nose?
Who now wants to try it? Who is currently trying to hum while holding your nose whilst looking around you to see if anyone is secretly filming you?
Who can think of nothing else other than humming and holding your nose?
Which brings me neatly (and maybe somewhat tenuously) onto the subject of being distracted as a leader in business.
Lesson 3: We fall, we learn, we get back up again
Everyone is so scared of failing. What if this happens…what if that happens…what if I run out of jaffa cakes when writing a newsletter series?
What if no-one reads this, what if no-one laughs.
The fear of failure can paralyse us. It can stop us from moving forward because things might not go to plan, they might not work out, it might all go a bit wrong.
Lesson 2: The good work starts with you
This is the biggest lesson ever learnt in the history of lessons. And why it is not taught at school is beyond me.
The simple fact is ….. it is down to us and if we are not looking after ourselves then nothing can work properly.
“Lessons I’ve learnt in business, running a business and working with other businesses in 2021.”
Welcome to the catchily named series of: “Lessons I’ve learnt in business, running a business and working with other businesses in 2021.”
I thought about an advent calendar of goodies and then all of a sudden it was December and here we are – no advent calendar.
So; what’s a girl to do other than gift you the lessons I have learnt in business over the last 12 months.
Mountains, A Tesco Delivery and a Right Big Tantrum
Sometimes it does not matter how hard you plan. It does not matter how many ducks you have in a row. It does not matter how sorted you are in life and how many wellbeing tactics you have in your personal toolkit. Sometimes things just go to shit. The universe has other plans for you and you have to work really feckin hard not to have a right big tantrum before you can even delve into your wellbeing toolkit to right the balance again.
Take last week as an example.
You are the heart of your business
It’s here, September, the official start of Autumn. All of a sudden you look outside at 6pm and realise it’s blinking dark. Maybe a little Christmas thought pops into your head, maybe you’ve already seen the sodding Christmas decs mingling with the Halloween dresses of dreams in the supermarket.
I can feel it, that ticking time bomb inside me, every click of time reminding me of stuff I should be doing, could be doing and definitely am not doing; because oh look at that reel on Instagram.
There is a gap in businesses today – the human skills gap.
Individuals are often promoted without essential training in human skills. Training in active listening, in empathy, in perspective, in patience, in conflict management – all the skills needed to be a great leader.
It’s your TIME TO C.A.R.E
Introducing the Agency Support System
Employee wellbeing is low. People are struggling. Struggling with the working from home, the work/life balance and they are missing the support and camaraderie of the office. In this new world order we need to put our people first.
The importance of self-care
It’s World Mental Health Day tomorrow and more than ever the conversation around wellbeing needs to be normalised. So let’s use this awareness day for good. Let’s stop talking about self-care as if it’s a something we can choose whether we invest in - and let’s talk about looking after ourselves properly.
Time to C.A.R.E
It’s time to care - and by that I mean care for yourself a bit better. Give a bit of time back to you.
We spend so much time running around like lunatics we so often forget to check in with ourselves. Wellbeing is becoming that word that everyone mentions, everyone knows we need to do more of (especially in these bonkers times) and yet we don’t do it. I still think that sometimes we are all a bit TOO British to turn the care on ourselves.
Say hello to some TLC
Well that’s training learning and care.
What morning did we forget to look after ourselves. When was it that we started to wake up at stupid o clock thinking of all the things we needed to do, all the plates we have to spin. What year was it when we decided running a business was a good idea.
As a freelancer, a consultant, a small business owner (whatever you want to call me) there’s been many a time when people have said; ‘oh you’re so lucky to work for yourself, you’ve got it so good’ (or words to that effect).
The joy of a big swear
Many many moons ago when fax machines still roamed the comms room and we all spent days waiting for the contact sheet to be delivered to the agency to crowd round a lightbox before choosing the best image, I was given the nickname Cartman who apparently is the big sweary one in Southpark. It was not a compliment.